Image 322
Image 322
17.5" X 17.5" - 495.00

I created this sailing yacht, a challenger from the America's Cup Races, with great precision.
The sails are hand cut from archival watercolor paper, the hull from silhouette paper, the rigging from antique ledger pages and the hull from Color Aid papers. The birds are cut from silhouette paper and antique ledger papers.
The background design was inspired from my collection of early maps, astronomy engravings and an old invoice from Baltimore. The wide frame is hand made using the old technique of vinegar painting/graining.

Challenger VALKYRIE II officially named VALKYRIE, was a British racing yacht that lost to the defender VIGILANT in the 1893 America's Cup race.
Valkyrie-117', 10,042 Square feet of sail.
It was designed by George L. Watson, built by D. & W. Henderson & Co.
Patrick-on-Clyde, Scotland, owner Lord Dunraven